Join The Dog Welfare Alliance
You can join The DWA as either a professional (individual or organisation) or as a public supporter (for dog's guardians and carers). Rescues can join for free!
On joining the Dog Welfare Alliance you will receive a .jpg file of the logo that shows your level of membership.
Professional and rescue members can have their photo, logo and web link on the relevant page on this website. Please send a photo or logo as a .jpg file, and a link to your website or public Social Media page to [email protected] if you would like to be included on the website.
How to join
Please copy and paste the following into an email and send it to: [email protected] once you have paid your membership fee on this page. Your DWA logo will then be sent as an attachment in our reply to your email.
We will, of course, check that you are force-free and reward based in your methods before you are accepted into The DWA.
I hereby declare my intention to use only compassionate, positive training methods with the dogs in my care, whether these are my own dogs or those belonging to other people.
I agree to avoid the use of all training aids which cause discomfort, distress or pain to dogs. These include, but are not limited to, physical force, shock collars and fences, prong collars, aversive sprays, spray collars, choke (check) chains, leash jerking and noise aversives.
I declare my intention to do all I can to act in the best interests of dog welfare.
If you would like to make a donation to help rescue dogs, our PayPal address is [email protected] .